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대진여고1학년 기말 엑스트라 리딩지문 변형 3

by 밀리씨 2023. 11. 30.

대진여고 1학년 2학기 기말 엑스트라 리딩Extra Reading 변형 3 올립니다!

최소한 한등급 올리는 easy-peasy 밀리쌤 지문 분석


Lesson 7. Extra Reading 1 Technology (변형3)


Whether you realize it or not, robots have become part of our lives. They work in automobile manufacturing plants and other factories (made/making) use of automated assembly lines. They (have launched/have been launched) into space, sent to explore distant planets beyond the reach of humans. And _____________________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________.(로봇 과학이 더 발전될수록, 그 기술은 로봇 수술 시스템의 형태로 의학계에 적용되어지고 있다)


of, science, surgical, applied, form, to, be, technology, the, grow, systems, advanced, medical, field, in, as, robotics, more


조건1. 필요한 경우 어형 변화 시킬 것

조건2. 단어 2번 이상 사용 가능


The robotics industry has developed several systems for the operating room. The DaVinci surgical system was the first to be approved for use in the United States, featuring robotic arms with flexible wrists that are controlled by a surgeon (what use/which use) foot pedals and hand motions. It is also equipped (by/with) a three-dimensional lens system that can (be magnified/magnify) surgical sight up to 15 times. The ZEUS system has a similar setup to (that/those) of the Da Vinci, but it has a computer workstation and a video display. ZEUS uses (another/the other) robotic system named AESOP for assistance in holding and positioning a tiny camera - known as an endoscope - that films the surgery in progress from inside the patient's body and responds to voice commands.

Robotic surgery boasts some advantages over c_____________(전통적인) surgical methods. It improves precision and accuracy by decreasing surgeon fatigue, (eliminating/eliminates) the danger of shaky hands. It also offers (improving/improved) depth preception by providing a three-dimensional view of the surgery. There are hopes (that/which) in future *it will alow skilled surgeons to perform r_________() operations on patients hundreds of miles away, eliminating the need to transport patients to doctors. It also has the potential to drastically _____________(3: 삭감하다) the number of people required to perform an operation, which would be a step toward l_________(줄이는 것/1) the cost of health care.

*it이 가리키는 것은?

Robotic systems are greatly b_____________(~에 도움이 되는/2) doctors, but ____________________________________(그들은 단점이 없는 것은 아니다.) They are expensive and, _______________________(모든 기계가 그렇듯이/4), there is always possibility of technical failure, which could be extremely dangerous **__________________________________________________(만약 그것이 수술 도중에 일어난다면: it an the of operation were middle to in if occur). furthermore, surgeons need to go through intensive training before they can use these systems on patients.

**문장을 다음 단어로 시작하는 절로 바꿔보기

= Were ___________________________________________


Although robotic systems have become essential tools at many hospitals, it will be some time before we can seriously talk about a fully robotic operating room. However, efforts to utilize these robots as useful additions will continue to improve medical care.


Lesson 8. Extra Reading 1. History (변형3)


In many cultures, there have been superstitious fears about witchcraft. People thought witches could inflict harm and death by causing natural disasters and illnesses with Satan's help. In Medieval Europe, this fear m___________(구체화되었다) in the form of the "witch-hunt," r__________(~의 결과를 가져오면서) tens of thousands of executions.


The first witch trials in Europe took place in the 13th century, and at the end of the Middle Ages, the fear (became/has become) a c________(열풍). _____________________________________________(모든 마술이 악마와의 계약과 관련이 있다는 관념이 퍼져감에 따라:pact, that, magic, the, Devil, as, with, involve, a, spread magic, all 어형변화+중복사용가능), legal sanctions notion against witchcraft grew harsher. In 1486, the publication of the Malleus Maleficarum (The Hammer of Witches), a guide for identifying, and prosecuting witches, (inflamed/has inflamed) the manic n__________(본성) of the witch-hunts. Numerous innocent people were tortured and killed during the "witch craze" between 1450 and 1700. People a___________(~의 혐의를 받은) witchcraft were often minorities, the poor, the homeless, and those with u______________(전통적이지 않은/자유로운) lifestyles. Overall, most of the victims (was/were) women, __________(부분적으로 ~ 때문에/3) they were considered weaker than men and more _________________________________(악마의 유혹에 더 빠지기 쉬운/7)


How did this craze happen? There (has been/have been) a variety of theories explaining (their/its) cause, and they show that there were many changes and events that f__________(조장했다/촉진했다) witch-hunts at that time. First, some theories have pointed out that legal changes allowed for the o____________(발발) of witch trials. *The Inquisition(종교재판), which (enacted/was enacted) by the papacy made (it/them) (legal/legally) to torture and execute people who challenged Christian doctrine. Through the use of leading questions and a variety of c_______________(강압적인) measures, the accused would almost inevitably a________________(~를 인정하다) some form of devilry. (Another/The other) assumption is that the Black Death that (was reoccurred/reoccurred) across Europe, mysteriously killed thousands of people _______________(그 과정에서), influenced this socially t____________(불안한, 격동적인) period. It made people panic, and neighbors and friends began (to inform/informing) on each other ___________________________________(마법에 대해 결백하게 보이기 위한 시도의 일환으로/8). The conflict between religious ideologies also aided the witch-hunts. After the Reformation movement(종교개혁운동) started in the 16th century, clerics vigorously sermonized on the danger of witchcraft among the people, and both Catholics and Protestants were burnt as witches in each other's territories.


The witch-hunts (has started/started) to decline when Europe attained social stability following the end of the Thirty Years' War in 1648. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(산 사회의 역경을 설명하는 수단이었던 미신은 계몽의 시대가 되자 점차 이성적인 사고로 대체되었다: replaced, as, Enlightenment, a, hardships, means, by, be, to, Age, thought, become, would, of, what, rational, explain, in, superstition, slowly, the, society's *어형변화가능). .

Today, although most superstitions seem to (disappear/have disappeared), we can't say that there is no possibility of another witch-hunt a_____________(~하는 한) a fear of the unknown still (remains/be remained) in the form of social i____________(편협함) or d________________(차별).



love to learn



대진여고1학년 학생들 황이팅!

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