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대진여고1학년 기말 엑스트라 리딩지문 변형 3 대진여고 1학년 2학기 기말 엑스트라 리딩Extra Reading 변형 3 올립니다! 최소한 한등급 올리는 easy-peasy 밀리쌤 지문 분석 Lesson 7. Extra Reading 1 Technology (변형3) Whether you realize it or not, robots have become part of our lives. They work in automobile manufacturing plants and other factories (made/making) use of automated assembly lines. They (have launched/have been launched) into space, sent to explore distant planets beyond th.. 2023. 11. 30.
마더텅노란책_11~13강_원지문과 변형(재현고2_기말) 마더텅 노란책 11~13강 원지문 올립니다. 이어서 원지문과 해석, 변형을 올릴 예정입니다. 23 마더텅 노란책 고2 11강 (*2번 제외) 01. 2018년 6월 18번 Dear Ms. Blake, I understand that on May 3, 2018 when you were a guest at our restaurant in the Four Hills Plaza, you experienced an unfortunate incident that resulted in a beverage being spilled on your coat. Please accept my sincere apology. Unfortunately the staff on duty at the time did not reflec.. 2023. 11. 29.
2022년 11월 고1 모의고사 41~42번 지문 분석 최소한 한등급 올리는 easy-peasy 밀리쌤 지문 분석 2022년 11월 고1 모의고사 41~42 Mike May lost his sight at the age of three. Because he had spent the majority of his life (adapting/adapting to) (to be blind/being blind) — and even (cultivate/to cultivate/cultivating) a skiing career in this state — his other senses compensated by growing stronger. However, when his sight was restored through a surgery __________(사십대에/.. 2023. 11. 28.
2022년 11월 고1 모의고사 21번 함축의미문제 지문 분석 최소한 한등급 올리는 easy-peasy 밀리쌤 지문 분석 21. 밑줄 친 challenge this sacred cow가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점] Our language helps to reveal our deeper assumptions(뜻: ). Think of these revealing(뜻: ) phrases: When we accomplish something important, we say it took "blood, sweat, and tears." We say important achievements are "____________ (힘들게 얻은/2단)." We recommend a "hard day's work" when "day's work" would .. 2023. 11. 24.